Game Submission

Interested in Submitting a game for publishing consideration?

Envy Born Games plans to release a Tiny Game Series annually, each series containing three unique games. We are currently accepting submissions for the 2026 series and are eager to collaborate with aspiring designers in the board game industry.

Game Requirements
We request that all submissions meet our publishing standards. While a physical prototype is preferred, we also accept prototypes on Tabletop Simulator. Prototypes do not require any art, but you may provide art on your prototypes if you so desire.

The theme and art style can be expressed in the submission, but are subject to change if the game is selected. We very much like unique themes and very much appreciate when a games theme matches the mechanisms within the game.

All components must be able to fit into the box.
Components can vary, including cards, dice, meeples, and wood disks, etc.  There is not a set standard for the card dimensions, cards may vary in size and shape.

To ensure consistency across the series, the micro games will all use the same two-compartment box with the following dimensions: 110 x 110 x 25.4mm or 4.33 x 4.33 x 1in.

Current Tiny Game Example:
Our current micro game Sirens includes 21 cards, 2 player aids, 2 wooden cubes, 1 score tracker, and 1 AI card.

Contact Info:
If you have any questions you may email me at
Make the subject of the email "Tiny Game Submission - 2026"

Whether your game is selected or not, we appreciate you taking the time to submit your game to us.